VOTE for lower power bills and secure energy supply.

This is your new team for Entrust.


Entrust is yours! We promise to bring solutions-focused leadership to put more in your pocket and deliver greater energy independence for Aucklanders.

What is Vector, Entrust, the elections and the dividend, and how does it all work?

  1. Vector.

Vector is Auckland’s power lines company with the sole responsibly for the distribution of electricity in the Auckland region. The “lines charge” on our power bill is paid to Vector.

Vector’s electricity network is super important for our city’s energy future.


2. Entrust.

Vector is mostly (75.1%) owned by the people of Auckland through a community trust called “Entrust”.

Entrust has five Trustees who represent 364,000 households and businesses (“beneficiaries”) south of the Auckland Harbour bridge, and east of Avondale in the Entrust District including Waiheke. You get to vote if your name is on the power bill.


3. The Dividend

The Entrust dividend is a payment made back to households by Entrust, passed on from the money that Vector has made in the past year.

The dividend has fallen by 28% in real terms in the past 14 years.  In 2023 the dividend was $334.


4. This Election.

The election for the five Entrust Trustees will be held from 10 -25 October 2024 by postal vote. This year there is an amazing opportunity, after 30 years of C&R control, to vote for new leadership with the solutions and vision needed to lower power bills, address energy hardship and tackle Auckland’s energy crisis


Vote for solutions-focused leadership and vision.