Our policies to put more in your pocket

All home owners, renters, and businesses deserve lower bills, more secure supply , and better returns - keep more of your own cash. Entrust is yours. With fresh, innovative, solutions-focused Trustees, Entrust is ideally placed to deliver you greater independence from power companies by using cheaper, more efficient new technologies.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato

More for You, Better for Auckland will:

  • Drive a widespread rollout of solar and batteries 

  • Lower your power bill and grow the dividend 

  • Improve Auckland’s energy security and community resilience

  • Equitable, smarter undergrounding

  • Address energy hardship actively and sustainably;

  • Give back public control and ensure a future focus for Vector 


Make Entrust work for you.

In addition we will: 

  • Democratise and modernise the Entrust election

  • Make Entrust more transparent and accountable

  • Advocate for law changes so that we can more rapidly reduce the price of electricity and make the network more resilient

Why vote More for You, Better for Auckland

Entrust is a community Trust. Currently it is not being run sustainably or in the community’s interest.

C&R have controlled Entrust for over 30 years, doing absolutely nothing to push back against constantly rising power bills, nor growing the trust's asset base, resulting in a decrease in real terms in the value of your dividend.

They have been slow to react to the energy crisis, to increasing power bills and huge changes in energy technology.  Changes which can and do elsewhere empower the consumer.  They are not driving innovation or serving the community.   Entrust can do so much to improve your financial situation with electricity with fresh leadership.

The game-changing rollout of solar and batteries is key.   Follow us to find out more as the campaign to put the power in your hands progresses.