Jonaan McLeod

Ngāpuhi, Te Whakatōhea

I'm a compassionate and caring wāhine, who will bring a wealth of skills and experience to Entrust. I have worked in community, public service, tertiary and governance, with a vision for improved outcomes for people and place. I’m currently a senior leader in a Māori organisation in South Auckland. 

I understand the perspectives of residents and the vulnerabilities our whānau face daily as a result of energy hardship and high power bills. I am committed to authentic representation and ensuring all voices are amplified.  My values-led leadership is anchored on tika, pono and aroha - I believe in leading with purpose and authenticity, balanced with genuine care for people and place.  

There has never been a Māori Trustee on Entrust. I aspire to change that to ensure all Aucklanders are represented on our community energy trust.  This election matters for all whanau, particularly those that are underrepresented in decision making, and overrepresented in power poverty. 

In my spare time I am a waka ama paddler; I’m a mother of daughter, Ocean.

I grew up in Manurewa attending James Cook High School, before attaining a law and arts conjoint degree from the University of Auckland.   I currently live in Manukau with my family.