Auckland’s Solar Future: good for people, the planet – and your pocket, says More for You, Better for Auckland

Media Release: 21 October 2024

Two thirds of New Zealanders say not enough is being done to bring down power prices (1). Meanwhile, the solution is shining right at us: widespread investment in solar power

Our biggest city is perfectly placed to bask in the benefits of a shift to solar, says More for You, Better for Auckland, the independent team challenging the incumbents for leadership of Entrust, Auckland’s community-owned energy asset.  

With just a few days left to post Entrust voting papers, More for You, Better for Auckland is warmly encouraging voters to choose the sunnier, future-proofed and more affordable option.

“Aucklanders deserve an affordable, resilient and future-focused electricity system,” says Patrick Reynolds, spokesperson for More for You, Better for Auckland. “Rooftop solar is the fastest and cost-effective way to secure a more stable, resilient energy supply. It unlocks a low-cost source of power that will reduce power prices and improve our resilience.”

“Currently only 2% of Auckland’s roofs have solar panels. In Australia, it’s more than 35%. We’re on the same latitude as Melbourne, so we’re perfectly positioned to maximise solar energy – which, at as little as 6c/kWh, is a fraction of what the big power companies currently charge.”

As an example of what’s possible here, More for You, Better for Auckland sees huge potential in partnering with building owners to create massive “virtual power stations” by installing solar panels across commercial zones – for example, in South Auckland. 

“The beauty of this is, it doesn’t require any new land or moving parts – just smart use of existing roofs,” says Reynolds. ”Virtually overnight, you’d have a gigawatt power station in South Auckland that’s bigger than our largest hydro power station in the South Island, or even the Huntly gas and coal station. That’s brilliant investment, for real resilience.”

There’s similar potential for individual households. More for You, Better for Auckland aims to reduce the barriers to investing in solar panels, to permanently free up homeowners and renters alike from endlessly rising power bills. 

More for You, Better for Auckland is the only team that’s committed to working towards a zero-emissions future, points out Emma McInnes, previously of Generation Zero, who stood in the Entrust election in 2021 on a platform to hold Vector to its net carbon-zero promises. 

“The power Entrust has to deliver a solar future, and to take action on Auckland being net carbon-zero by 2030, is low-hanging fruit for our city. Putting fresh progressive trustees in charge of Entrust is one of the simplest and smartest things we can do right now to make the future brighter and more hopeful for our children.”  

As Entrust is the majority shareholder in Vector, electing progressive trustees will give Aucklanders a powerful strategic influence across the whole region, says McInnes. ““Vector’s carbon emissions last year were even larger than the Genesis coal-fired power station at Huntly, which makes it one of New Zealand’s largest emitters. More for You, Better for Auckland will help steer it faster towards the clean energy future we all want.” 

Indeed, the sky’s the limit for solar – as Rewiring Aotearoa’s Investing in Tomorrow report outlined (2), an aggressive electrification campaign with a shift to solar would save New Zealand households almost $11 billion a year by 2040, with lower emissions, massive efficiency gains, and greater well-being for households and whānau.

“It’s time for some sunlight on the issues,” says Reynolds. “Aucklanders deserve a more engaged leadership of this powerful community asset. We will be active trustees, leading a long overdue rollout of affordable, reliable, clean energy for our city.” 

NOTE: The Entrust elections are currently underway by postal vote. Voting papers need to be posted no later than 5pm on Thursday 24 October to arrive in time to arrive before voting closes on Election Day Friday, 25 October. Alternatively, you can drop your ballot in the orange ballot bins at 9  Woolworths supermarkets across the Entrust District or at the Election Office: Marketing Impact, Level 1, 79 Hugo Johnston Drive, Penrose right up until 5pm on Election Day.

Official information here on where to find mail boxes and ballot boxes.

(1) NZ Herald 18 October 2024 Public majority slams Govt for lack of action on electricity prices in new poll

(2) Rewiring Aotearoa report:  Investing in Tomorrow: the electrification opportunity published August 2024


Patrick Reynolds, spokesperson More for You, Better for Auckland 

Phone 0274 722 388

Emma McInnes, More for You, Better for Auckland candidate

Phone 021 176 3953


  1. Entrust Election orange ballot box at Woolworths supermarket, Mt Roskill

  2. Entrust Election envelope sent to power account holders