About Us:

More for You; Better for Auckland is an independent team of passionate Aucklanders.

What motivates us: a need for fresh, solutions-focused leadership of Entrust.

And the opportunity to use proven, cost-effective new technology for positive change.

We've developed our policies with the help of experts in business, energy and climate. Like you, they are frustrated at how Entrust, under the grip of C&R, has been slow to tackle rising power bills, address energy poverty, and embrace the benefits available from the changing energy market.

The More for You, Better for Auckland team come from a range of political backgrounds and draws on support from our wide networks across Auckland. We want to see the diversity of Auckland represented for the first time on Entrust and the Trust run in the interests of the community.

We are building on the More for You, Better for Climate campaign 2021 which first challenged the status quo to sustainably increase Vector’s dividend, a reduction in energy poverty and an Auckland better prepared for climate change. The 2021 election was particularly difficult due to covid restrictions and low turnout (only 9.5%!) but it showed the importance of an independent team challenging C&R to a real debate on the energy issues of our time.

Please get in touch if you would like to support us.